...is that even correct english? I'm pretty sure it's not but I will just get on with my post. It has been extremely long since I've posted anything new and that isn't necessarily because I have nothing to share. We have been enjoying a relaxing summer, spending most of our time at home, or with friends, or at Grandpa Morgan's house. The boys were able to take swim lessons and now want to go to the pool all the time. At 4th of July we went swimming at some friend's and Porter was doing flips into the pool with his floaties on. I couldn't believe it! We go every now and then to the pool but not as often as the boys would like.
We spent a weekend in Palm Springs with my family and had a blast there, although I don't have any pictures to share from that trip. All in all we've been having lots of fun but no pictures to prove it. I have some pics from a few months back that I thought I would post instead.
These are some pictures from Porter's end of the year water day at preschool. He has been talking about all of his preschool friends and can't wait to start preschool again with Ms. Michelle in September. Carter will be starting preschool too and is soooo excited. He puts on his backpack and wathces himself in front of the mirror with it on...too cute!
Kaitlyn & Isaac

Porter, Brynn, Rexi, and Evan

Isaac & Rexi

Carter joining in on the fun! (I can't keep him dry with water around)

Porter & Jaida

A few months ago we took the boys to fly kites. Carter was so funny because once we got to the park he got this really concerned look on his face and said "I don't want to fly
on the kite". I laugh to think about what goes through these kids heads sometimes.

Carter worked so hard to fly his kite. He did such a good job and I couldn't believe how much time he spent running back and forth to keep his kite up!

Porter on the other hand, well he smartened up quick after watching Carter work so hard and just let Sam worry about flying the kite.

I can't believe that time is just going by so quickly. These guys are growing up so fast and we are enjoying all of our time with them. They are so excited to try new things and to go to new places...I am not sure how I manage to keep up with them sometimes. Which reminds me, I started running with my friend Joanna about a month ago and today I ran my very first 5k. I was so nervous that I would want to stop and walk but I ran the whole thing. This really is a huge accomplishment for me and I am so happy to have a new hobby that I can enjoy. Thanks Joanna for being such a great trainer. =) Sorry for such the long winded post to any of you who might actually read this, I will stay on top of things a little better in the future.